Stanford University is committed to ensuring that its facilities and programs are accessible to all individuals with disabilities. Below are university departments and resources that support accessibility and inclusion for students with disabilities.
Career Education
When you’re a Stanford student with a disability, there are resources and support available to make sure you can actively participate in university life. Many students receive content in alternative formats, assistive technology, or other accommodations so they’re able to fairly represent their knowledge and skills. But what happens when it comes to proving yourself during a hiring process? If you’re a student with a disability considering internships or jobs, you may be wondering where to start.
Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Student Learning Programs
CTL offers a range of services for Stanford students to help them optimize their learning potential. These include academic skills coaching, tutoring, and language practice for learners, as well as mentoring and development support for graduate and postdoctoral students who teach. Specialized academic coaching and other resources are offered for neurodiverse students, including students with ADHD and learning differences.
Office of Accessible Education
The Office of Accessible Education (OAE) is the campus office designated to work with Stanford students with disabilities, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels (including the professional schools). The OAE provides a wide array of support services, accommodations, and programs to remove barriers to full participation in the life of the University.
In reaching its determinations about appropriate accommodations, the OAE considers factors such as the documentation from professionals specializing in the area of the student’s diagnosed disability, the student’s functional limitations, and the student’s input and accommodation history in regard to particular needs and limitations. The OAE then works with the student and relevant faculty and staff through an interactive process designed to achieve an accommodation that meets the needs of all parties.
Diversity and Access Office
The Diversity and Access Office oversees compliance with federal and state civil rights statutes, including the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, and provides disability-related access information to faculty, staff, students and visitors in the Stanford community.
Stanford Neurodiversity Project
Neurodiversity is a concept that regards individuals with differences in brain function and behavioral traits as part of normal variation in the human population. The movement of Neurodiversity is about uncovering the strengths of neurodiverse individuals and utilizing their talents to increase innovation and productivity of the society as a whole. The Stanford Neurodiversity Project is a special initiative of the Department of Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences.
The Stanford Neurodiversity Project provides comprehensive support to students with a variety of neurodiverse conditions, including autism, ADHD, and learning differences, as well as those without any formal diagnosis. Our model provides support in key areas including: academic, social, mental health, independent living, and career planning and preparation.
Graduate Life Office
The Graduate Life Office (GLO) serves the entire graduate student population at Stanford and their families. GLO deans are a source of comprehensive, impartial guidance and information related to all aspects of your life as a graduate student. We’re here to answer questions, resolve problems and provide advice and, if we can't answer your question, we'll find out who can.
ResEd - Find Your Residence Dean (Undergrads)
Residence Deans, or RDs as they are often called, are ResEd professional staff that are here to help students navigate their undergraduate experience at Stanford. An RD's main purpose is to assist and support students through difficult and/or challenging times. RDs know the options and resources available across campus to address whatever issue is interfering with your success at Stanford.
Stanford Converter into Braille & E-Text (SCRIBE) is an online document conversion system supporting the transformation of text and image-based file types into different formats.
Student Housing for Medical Accommodations
If you have special housing needs due to a disability or documented medical condition, or if your spouse, partner, or child is disabled, you can apply for early assignment before each assignment round. If you do not turn in your request form by the spring (Disability Draw) deadline, please file your disability/medical accommodation request and your housing application as soon as possible. Your position on the list is determined by the date your disability request is approved. We will make disability/medical assignments in the subsequent rounds as spaces become available.
Vaden Patient Portal
Make or cancel appointments at Vaden and CAPS; fill out required entrance medical forms; communicate with your health care providers; receive lab and X-ray results; view and print your immunization history; view and print medical billing statements.
Resource sharing is community building. Please contact the Community Support Committee to add your resources to this site.